English / Japanese

School of Foreign Studies :
Department of European Studies Division of Spanish and Latin American Studies

OKUNO Yoshitomo
Position Associate Professor
Degrees Master of commerce
Last academic career Doctor course at the Graduate School of Commerce of Waseda University
Areas of study Socio-Economic History of Modern Catalonia
Themes of research
  1. Regional Industrialization of modern Catalonia
  2. Governmental Structure of Catalonia in eighteenth century Spain
  3. Industrialization and Nationalism
Research achievement
  1. Entre la llana i el cotó. Una nota sobre l’extensió de la industria de cotó als pobles catalans el darrer quart del segle XVIII, "Recerques", No. 38, Barcelona, 1999. (in Catalan)
  2. From Wool to Cotton. The extension of Cotton industry in rural Catalonia (1779-1806), in Spanish History Studies, No. 13, 1999. (in Japanese)
  3. The local industrialization of eighteenth century Catalonia: industrial district formation and sector conversion, "Socio-Economic History", vol. 67, No. 3, 2001. (in Japanese)
  4. Eighteenth century Spain, in “Taikei Spain si (Taikei History of Spain)”, 2008, Yamakawa shuppansha
  5. The Catalan Cotton Industry through the ledger (llibre de major) of “Castañer”: Calicos, Printing linens (pintats) and network of merchants, in The Journal of the Faculty of Foreign Studies Aichi Prefectural University, No.44 (Area Studies and International Relations), 2012.
Academic associations
  1. The Socio-Economic History Society
  2. Society of Spanish History of Japan
  3. The Japanese Society of Western History
  4. Business History Society of Japan
Mail Address y-okuno[at]for.aichi-pu.ac.jp
([at]: replaced by @)


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